Complete your graduate degree with collegiality and support of faculty and classmates who love the Lord. Prepare for your life and vocation in a Christ-centred, Bible-anchored, ministry focused community. 

Mission and Vision
Our Programs
Paul E. Magnus Centre for Leadership Studies


Briercrest is a community of learning that calls students to seek the kingdom of God, to be shaped profoundly by the scriptures, and to be formed spiritually and intellectually for lives of service.


Briercrest College and Seminary is a transdenominational institution; approximately 60 denominations are represented in our student body. 

Academic Life

We believe that the classroom experience is the foundation of education at Briercrest Seminary. We are dedicated to providing an education that is excellent in quality, balanced in scope, and spiritual in focus. The information in the Seminary calendar is provided to help students make the most of their academics at Briercrest Seminary.

Modular Education

The Seminary offers a unique modular education program at the graduate level that continues to attract students from around the world. Intensive one-week courses allow increased concentration and immersion in a given subject. Before and after each course, students are required to complete reading, writing, and research assignments. This format provides a flexible education opportunity for full-time students preparing for vocational ministry or further studies at the doctoral level, for ministry practitioners seeking educational enrichment, or for those who are simply longing for a week of intellectual discourse.