David Guretzki, PhD

Adjunct Faculty in Theology
Karl Barth said, “The theologian who labors without joy is not a theologian at all.” Though the study of Christian theology can be difficult, I believe it should be enjoyable—fun, even! Something has gone awry when theology becomes drudgery. 
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David Teaches:

Historical and Systematic Theology

Teaching Philosophy

As a teacher, I have an obligation to all students under my instruction to call them to nurture their God-given gifts and capacities, whatever their breadth or level, in submission to Christ as the Spirit enables. As much as I want students to master the content of the topics I cover in my classes, I am most gratified if they leave my classes saying they have been challenged to walk more closely and more faithfully with Christ than when they started.


David is President/CEO and Resident Theologian at The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (Ottawa, Toronto). His PhD in Western Christian Thought is from McGill University (Montreal). David taught historical and systematic theology at Briercrest from 1993-2017, and has published three books and numerous chapters, articles, and reviews. He has served as President of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, was a national board member for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, and has served as an elder at Caronport Community Church. He also serves on the International Council of the World Evangelical Alliance. He has also provided expert witness at three court cases on religious freedom issues. He is executive publisher of Faith Today in which he writes a bimonthly column called “Cross Connections.” He is married to Maureen and has three adult children: Joey, Chiante (married to Dawson), and Sierra. David's personal interests include astrophotography and astronomy, amateur radio, and reading.


PhD Religious Studies, McGill University, 2006
Graduate Diploma in Bioethics, Saint Paul University (Ottawa), 2022
MA Historical Theology, Briercrest Seminary, 1995
BRE, Briercrest Bible College, 1985


Theology and Law
Theology of Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Theology of Karl Barth
The Filioque controversy
Twentieth Century Theology
Political and Public Theology


Books and chapters (articles not included)

  • "Why Natural Law, Domesticated of Transcendence, is Ill-Equipped to Save the Rule of Law.” Chapter forthcoming in Monograph with LexisNexis Canada, 2025.
  • “Three-Dimensional Conscience: A Theo-Legal Proposal for Testing Conscience Claims.” Chapter in Supreme Court Law Review, 2nd Series Monographs. Vol. 113, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2023.
  • “The Value of Church Dogmatics II for Systematic Theology.” Chapter in Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone Volume 2—The Doctrine of God by Marty Folsom. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2023.
  • “May Critics of ‘Inherent Dignity’ be Answered? A Rejoinder from Christian Anthropology.” Chapter in The Inherence of Human Dignity: Foundations of Human Dignity, Volume 1, 45-62. London: Anthem Press, 2021.
  • “The Filioque and Karl Barth.” Chap. in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth, Vol. 1: Barth and Dogmatics, Wiley Blackwell, 2020.
  • An Explorer’s Guide to Karl Barth. IVP, 2016.
  •  “Kerygmatic Hope: Another Look at Karl Barth’s Resistance to Univeralism,” In Revisioning, Renewing, and Rediscovering the Triune Center. Cascade Books, 2014.
  •  “Become Conversant with Barth’s Church Dogmatics.” In Karl Barth in Conversation. Wipf and Stock, 2014.
  • “The Filioque: Reviewing the State of the Question, with some Free Church Contributions,” Ecumenical Perspectives on the Filioque for the 21st Century. Bloomsbury/T&T Clark., 2014.
  • Karl Barth on the Filioque. Ashgate, 2009.
  • “The Filioque: Assessing Evangelical Approaches to a Knotty Problem” in Semper Reformandum: Studies in Honour of Clark H. Pinnock. Paternoster Press, 2003.
  • Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms. Co-authored with Stanley J. Grenz and Cherith Fee Nordling. IVP, 1999.