Prepare for service in the mental health sector and in specialized church or parachurch counselling ministries.

The Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT) helps you meet the academic requirements to gain professional recognition with accrediting groups, including membership with the Canadian Association for Couple and Family Therapy (CACFT), the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), and the Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists (PACCP).

Study the theory and practice of marriage and family therapy, receive a biblical and theological foundation, and complete hands-on practicums that will help you counsel with confidence.


Timothy Plant

MAMFT provides me with everything I need to become an effective therapist. The courses give me a well-rounded knowledge and understanding while my profs foster my spiritual and personal growth and build my confidence with encouragement and guidance.

  • Overview
  • Requirements

The Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MAMFT) degree provides a professional course of study that equips students for a vocation in the mental health sector and in specialized counselling ministries in church and parachurch organizations. The program is designed to help students meet the academic course requirements for pursuing RMFT membership within the Canadian Association for Couple and Family Therapy (CACFT). Graduates of the MA Marriage and Family Therapy program are eligible to obtain membership with the Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists (PACCP) and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). It should be noted that recognition in each of these associations is independent of Briercrest's program and that it is the student's responsibility to pursue such recognition after graduation. The Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy degree takes a minimum of two and one-half  to three years of full-time studies to complete.

The application deadlines for the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy are April 30 and November 30 each year.

Credit Hours: 63

I. Core (12 credit hours)
CM 600 Spiritual Formation for Ministry 
BLST 606 New Testament Survey*
BLST 601 Old Testament Survey*
THEO 601 Christian Theology Overview*

II. Marriage and Family Therapy (30 credit hours)
(Required for MFT professional membership)
Marriage and Family Therapy Studies
CO 603 Foundations of Marriage and Family Therapy
CO 606 Marriage and Family Therapy
CO 714 Counselling Systems and Approaches
Marriage and Family Therapy Skills
CO 703 Counselling Problems and Procedures
CO 707 Procedures in Marriage and Family Therapy
CO 713 Topics in Marriage and Family Therapy
Human Development
PSY 607 Child Development
PSY 608 Adolescent Development
PSY 706 Adult Development
CO 705 Counselling Ethics 

III. Research and Practicums (12-18 credit hours)
PSY 701 Psychological Research Methods
RD 809 Specialty Research Project
   OR RD 808 Thesis **
CO 790 Counselling Practicum I ***
CO 791 Counselling Practicum II ****
CO 800 Counselling Internship (600 hours, non-credit)*****

IV. Electives (to fulfill 63 credit hours)
Counselling Electives (3-6 credits)

PSY 611 DSM and Psychopharmacology
CO 710 Crisis and Grief Counselling
CO 712 Interpersonal Trauma Counselling
CO 717 Group Counselling Strategies
CO 819 Counselling Specialty: Life in the Mess
CO 819 Counselling Specialty: Motivational Interviewing

Open Electives (3-6 credits)

V. Non-Credit Requirements
PRT 800 Learning Portfolio and Interview

*With permission of the program coordinator, a student with sufficient background in New Testament, Old Testament or Theology may replace the specified course with an elective from the respective discipline.
** Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 and have the approval of the program coordinator in order to qualify to write a thesis.
***Students must have taken CO 603, CO 703 and CO 705 before taking CO 790 Counselling Practicum I.  Please contact Academic Services to register for CO 790.
****Students must have a grade of "B" in CO 790 to proceed to CO 791. Please contact Academic Services to register for CO 791 Counselling Practicum II.
******Students must have a grade of "B" in both CO 790 and CO 791 and the approval of the Department Head to proceed with CO 800 Counselling Internship.

Please note: Course substitutions to the program major are at the discretion of the program coordinator in consultation with the Registrar. Any course substitutions in the major may impact CACFT membership and other professional associations. For more information, please contact your program coordinator.


Sam Berg   DMin
Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy (Retired)
Margaret Clarke   PhD
Assistant Professor of Couple and Family Therapy
Brianna Matchett   MC
Adjunct Faculty in Counselling
Jesse Schellenberg   PhD (in process)
Assistant Professor of Counselling
Tony Schnare   MA
Adjunct Faculty in Counselling
Courtney Wiebe   PhD (in process)
Interim Internship Coordinator