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Briercrest Seminary

We are a Canadian Christian Theological Seminary offering excellent graduate-level training for vocational ministry and professional settings. Located in Southern Saskatchewan, we provide a flexible modular education in a multi-denominational setting to help our graduates equip the church and engage our world.

Graduate-level Training

We offer excellent graduate-level ministry training with well-respected Canadian scholars and practitioners in biblical studies, theology, counselling, leadership, and ministry.

Flexible Education

We include modular and online education so that you can access training relevant to your context without having to leave it.

Biblical Foundation

We facilitate a learning community for people of different denominations and countries to explore and engage with foundational Biblical truths.

About Briercrest Seminary

Education that Makes a Difference: Come and study with peers from all different walks of life and learn from both the professors and each other.

Daniel Stulac PhD

Assistant Professor of the Old Testament

I believe that the purpose of a Christian liberal arts education is to foster in students a coherent, Christian perspective of life and truth and to mark out concrete pathways through which students might embody Christian faith. To this end, I regard both my scholarship and teaching to be a pastoral vocation in step with the mission of the global Church. I hope to educate young minds to think carefully and critically about biblical content so that the Bible might be permitted to refresh Christian theology and practice wherever Christ's body may be found. Many young Christians enrolling at Briercrest bring with them a deep affection for the Bible. That affection is likely to go hand-in-hand, however, with serious intellectual questions about the Bible and (somewhat justified) suspicion toward biblical scholarship at large. I believe that my particular gift to Christian education in general lies in an ability to guide such students through the intellectual questions they cannot yet articulate (but will, at some point, be forced to face), and to do so in a way that finally encourages their faith in Christ rather than eroding it. I have often compared my own story to a house called Christianity, into which my friends and I were born. Together we confronted many of the same questions regarding the reasonableness of faith in Christ, the nature of biblical content, and the existence of God. While many of these friends left the House to look at it from the outside, so as to determine if they might move back in on their own terms (many did not), I found myself marching down the basement stairs instead, to rip apart the pipes and foundation. I wanted to learn how everything worked, to understand better the intellectual and spiritual home in which I was raised. I have not been disappointed. Like the stable door in C. S. Lewis' The Last Battle, the world on the inside is richer and more complex and far more challenging than those living in the world ever imagined. I hope to lead students on a comparable journey of intellectual and spiritual discovery, through the stable door and into a new appreciation for the grandeur of the Bible's immense, theological landscape.

What's Happening at Briercrest

August 12, 2024

Learning From The Old Youth Guys with Roger Reid

What can we learn from veteran youth workers who have served in youth ministry for over thirty years? For part seven of this week's summer series, "Learning from the OLD Youth Guys," we speak with Roger Reid, Youth Specialist with Hillside Chu...

Church in the North Podcast

Check out our new PODCAST! Church in the North brings you thoughtful, sometimes humorous, conversations with church leaders. From rural Saskatchewan to urban Vancouver, from the outskirts of Winnipeg to the rocky shores of Halifax.