Dig deep into the content and message of the Bible in preparation for further study, teaching, or Bible translation work.

The Master of Arts Biblical Languages and Exegesis (MABLE) program is for students looking to acquire a broad base of biblical knowledge in both the Old and New Testament while specializing in the biblical languages. Learn from qualified scholars and seasoned pastors as you develop skills in the translation and interpretation of biblical Hebrew and Greek and graduate-level research skills in the field of biblical studies.

This program will serve as excellent preparation for doctoral work. MABLE graduates have gone on to PhD programs at universities such as McMaster University and the University of Cambridge.


Arlene Stinson

I have studied the Scriptures more slowly than ever before. Approaching Scripture at this pace has brought so many ‘aha’ moments. My professors have been engaging and focused on student learning as well as personal and ministry integration.

  • Overview
  • Requirements

The Master of Arts in Biblical Languages and Exegesis (MABLE) degree gives students skills in the translation and interpretation of biblical Hebrew and Greek. Students would ideally have already engaged in biblical studies in their undergraduate course of study and be able to work full time on this degree. This program is ideally suited for preparation for doctoral work in biblical studies, but would also suit students planning to go into Bible translation or other teaching ministries.

Credit Hours: 60

I. Core (9 credit hours)
In consultation with the program coordinator, students will choose one course from three of the following disciplines: *
CM 600 Spiritual Formation for Ministry
BLST 606 New Testament Survey
BLST 601 Old Testament Survey
THEO 601 Christian Theology Overview

II. Language and Exegesis (18 credit hours)
Prerequisites: four semesters of Greek OR four semesters of Hebrew

Greek OR Hebrew (12 credit hours):
GRK 600 Ancient Greek I
GRK 601 Ancient Greek II
GRK 700 Ancient Greek III
GRK 701 Ancient Greek IV
HEB 600 Introductory Hebrew I
HEB 601 Introductory Hebrew II
HEB 700 Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis I
HEB 800 Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis II

Advanced Exegesis (6 credit hours):
GRK 800 Ancient Greek V
HEB 800 Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis II (new book)

III. Biblical Studies (18 credit hours)
BLST 801 Jewish Backgrounds to Early Christianity
BLST 701 Advanced Hermeneutics

Choose two (2) of the following courses:
BLST 714 Psalms
BLST 715 Old Testament Wisdom Literature
BLST 717 The Former Prophets
BLST 719 The Latter Prophets
BLST 817 Old Testament Specialty
HEB 739 Biblical and Extrabiblical Aramaic

Choose two (2) of the following courses:
BLST 721 Studies in the Gospel of Matthew
BLST 722 Studies in the Gospel of Luke
BLST 725 Acts of the Apostles
BLST 728 Hebrews
BLST 729 Revelation
BLST 825 Romans
BLST 849 New Testament Specialty
GRK 801 Ancient Greek VI

IV. Research and Methodology (12 credit hours)
RD 701 Theological and Ministry Research
RD 808 Thesis**

V. Electives (3 credit hours)

VI. Non-Credit Requirements
RD 700 Experiential Integration
PRT 800 Learning Portfolio and Interview
BLST 891 MABLE Comprehensive Exam

* To be determined with the program coordinator based on the student's previous undergrad studies.  With permission of the program coordinator, a student with sufficient background in New Testament, Old Testament or Theology may replace the specified course with an elective from the respective discipline.
** Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50 and have the approval of the program coordinator in order to qualify to write a thesis.